Ethical Hacking Tools #kalilinux #hacking #ethicalhacking #hackingtools #ethicalhackingtools
1. Kali Linux
2. Wireshark
3. Nmap
4. Burp Suite
5. Gophish
6. Aircrack-ng
7. Have I Been Pwned
8. Metasploit Framework
9. Nikto
10. Hack The Box
11. pfSense
12. Cyber Chef
13. Snort
14. Ghidra
15. Deshashed
16. OpenVAS
18. SQLMap
19. Remnux
20. Zed Attack Proxy
Information Gathering:
- Nmap
- Shodan
- Maltego
- TheHarvester
- Recon-NG
- Amass
- Censys
- OSINT Framework
- - is designed to gather and analyze publicly available information, making it useful for cybersecurity professionals and ethical hackers.
- Gobuster
- Red Hawk - Information Gathering and Vulnerability Analysis.
Password Cracking:
- John The Ripper
- Hydra
- Hashcat
- OPHCrack
- Medusa
- THC-Hydra
- Cain & Abel
Wireless Hacking:
- Aircrack-NG
- Wifite
- Kismet
- TCPDump
- Airsnort
- Netstumbler
- Reaver
Software Engineering:
- GoPhish
- HiddenEye
- SocialFish
- EvilURL
- Evilginx
Vulnerability Scanning:
- OpenVAS
- Nessus
- AppScan
- Retina
- Nexpose
- SleuthKit
- Autopsy
- Volatility
- Guymager
- Foremost
- Binwalk
- Wireshark
- Burp Suite
- Metasploit Framework
- SQL Map
- ExploitDB
- Core Impact
- Cobalt Strike
Web Application Assessment:
- Burp Suite
- Nikto
- WPScan
- Gobuster
- App Spider
- freeway - web application security testing
- The image lists various **cybersecurity tools** categorized into different areas. Here are the categories and the tools mentioned:
- ### Information Gathering & Reconnaissance
- - Nmap
- - Recon-ng
- - theHarvester
- - DNSRecon
- - Netdiscover
- - Unicornscan
- - Masscan
- - p0f
- ### Vulnerability Analysis & Exploitation
- - Nikto
- - OpenVAS
- - Metasploit
- - jSQL Injection
- - Burp Suite
- - SQL Ninja
- - sqlmap
- ### Forensics & Post-Exploitation
- - Autopsy
- - Foremost
- - Mimikatz
- - Powershell Empire
- - Shellter
- - Powersploit
- - memdump
- ### Wireless & Network Attacks
- - Aircrack-ng
- - Kismet
- - Reaver
- - Wireshark
- - Ettercap
- - PixieWPS
- - Wifite
- - Netcat
- ### Password & Hash Attacks
- - Hydra
- - Rainbowcrack
- - John the Ripper
- - Crunch
- - Hashcat
- - Medusa
- - Patator
- - CeWL
- ### Reverse Engineering & Malware Analysis
- - Ghidra
- - Radare2
- - 0llyDbg
- - DynamoRIO
- - Cuckoo Sandbox
- - Volatility
- - Binwalk
- - gdb
- These tools are essential for various aspects of cybersecurity, including penetration testing, forensics, and malware analysis.
- The image lists **top cybersecurity tools** along with brief descriptions. Here are the tools mentioned:
- ### Top Cybersecurity Tools:
- 1. **OpenVAS**
- - Vulnerabilities scanner; can scan a target or a network with more than 4000 tests.
- 2. **SQLMap**
- - Database exploitation tool; automates SQL injection and database takeover.
- 3. **Aircrack-ng**
- - WiFi network security tool; can recover WEP/WPA keys and monitor wireless networks.
- 4. **OpenSSH**
- - Tool for remote login and SSH tunneling.
- 5. **Nessus**
- - Vulnerabilities scanner; database updated daily.
- 6. **Wireshark**
- - Packet analyzer; provides detailed information about network traffic.
- 7. **Metasploit Packets Analyzer**
- - Exploitation tool; frequently updated with a community-free version.
- 8. **John the Ripper**
- - Password cracker; can crack various types of encrypted passwords.
- 9. **Nmap**
- - Security scanner; identifies devices on a network and their open ports.
- 10. **VirusTotal**
- - Scans files and URLs for viruses, malware, and other threats.
- 11. **Hybrid Analysis**
- - Malware detection method combining static and dynamic analysis techniques.
- 12. **Suricata**
- - Open-source network security tool for real-time threat detection.
- 13. **Kali Linux**
- - Debian-based operating system designed for cybersecurity and penetration testing.
- 14. **ClamAV**
- - Open-source antivirus software for detecting malware and other threats.
- 15. **MISP**
- - Open-source platform for sharing and analyzing cybersecurity threat intelligence.
- These tools are essential for various aspects of cybersecurity, including penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, and malware analysis.
CyberSecurity Tools:-
1. **Operating System**: Kali Linux
2. **Email Security**: Deshashed
3. **Training**: Hack The Box
4. **Intrusion Detection System**: Snort
5. **Firewall/Router**: pfSense
6. **Debugging**: Ghidra
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