Kali linux tools part-5

 Tools for Kali Linux!

As a bug bounty hunter, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the various tools available in Kali Linux to help you identify, hack, and exploit bugs, vulnerabilities, and more in systems for which permission and authorization have been granted. Here are some of the most popular tools in Kali Linux:

Information Gathering

Nmap - Network mapping and port scanning

Nessus - Vulnerability scanning

OpenVAS - Vulnerability scanning

Maltego - Network reconnaissance

DNSRecon - DNS reconnaissance

Whois - Domain name lookup

nslookup - DNS lookup

Dig - DNS lookup

Vulnerability Scanning

Nessus - Vulnerability scanning

OpenVAS - Vulnerability scanning

ZAP - Web application scanning

Burp Suite - Web application scanning

SQLMap - SQL injection scanning

W3af - Web application scanning

Password Cracking

John the Ripper - Password cracking

Aircrack-ng - Wireless password cracking

Hashcat - Password cracking

Cain and Abel - Password cracking

Ophcrack - Password cracking

Web Application Exploitation

Burp Suite - Web application exploitation

ZAP - Web application exploitation

SQLMap - SQL injection exploitation

W3af - Web application exploitation

BeEF - Browser exploitation

Network Exploitation

Metasploit - Exploitation framework

Armitage - Graphical exploitation framework

Meterpreter - Post-exploitation framework

Empire - Post-exploitation framework

Ncat - Network exploitation

Reverse Engineering

IDA Pro - Binary reverse engineering

OllyDbg - Binary reverse engineering

Ghidra - Binary reverse engineering

Radare2 - Binary reverse engineering

x64dbg - Binary reverse engineering


Meterpreter - Post-exploitation framework

Empire - Post-exploitation framework

PowerSploit - Post-exploitation framework

PoshC2 - Post-exploitation framework

Cobalt Strike - Post-exploitation framework

Social Engineering

SET - Social Engineering Toolkit

Phishing Frenzy - Phishing framework

BeEF - Browser exploitation

Maltego - Social engineering

Kali Linux Social Engineering Toolkit (KLST) - Social engineering

Forensic Analysis

Volatility - Memory forensics

Plaso - Timeline analysis

Autopsy - Disk forensics

X-Ways Forensics - Disk forensics

FTK - Disk forensics


Wireshark - Network protocol analyzer

Tcpdump - Network protocol analyzer

Aircrack-ng - Wireless cracking

Kismet - Wireless reconnaissance

Ettercap - Network protocol analyzer


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