
Showing posts from July, 2024

Ftp server #linux #services

 To enable and use an FTP server on Kali Linux, you can use `vsftpd` (Very Secure FTP Daemon). Here’s a step-by-step guide: ### 1. Install vsftpd First, install `vsftpd` using the following command: ```bash sudo apt update sudo apt install vsftpd ``` ### 2. Configure vsftpd After installation, you need to configure the FTP server. The configuration file is located at `/etc/vsftpd.conf`. Open the configuration file with a text editor: ```bash sudo nano /etc/vsftpd.conf ``` ### 3. Basic Configuration Make the following changes to the configuration file for a basic setup: - Uncomment the following lines:   ```plaintext   write_enable=YES   local_umask=022   ```    - Add or modify the following lines to ensure proper functionality:   ```plaintext   anonymous_enable=NO   local_enable=YES   chroot_local_user=YES   ``` ### 4. Create FTP Directory and Set Permissions Create a directory for the FTP users and set the appropriate permissions. For example, you can create a directory called `ftp` u

How to run bash script from anywhere in terminal in kali #kalilinux #commands

  4.  Add the Scripts Directory to Your PATH run the script from the anywhere in the terminal To easily run your scripts from any location in the terminal, add the  scripts  directory to your PATH. Open your  .bashrc  file: Important make sure that u check your terminal shell name. After that change this 1.shebang from file #!/bin/bash #!/bin/zsh and vice versa bash Copy code nano ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc Add the following line at the end of the file: bash Copy code export PATH= $PATH :~/scripts OR echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/scripts' >> ~/.bashrc source ~/.bashrc Save and close the file, then reload your  .bashrc : bash Copy code source ~/.bashrc

How to remove password from kali linux #linux #commands

 sudo passwd -d $(whoami)

Cyberchef #tools


How to change grub boot background in kali linux #kali #customization #kalicustomization

 Bg Img Link - Open file manager Go to other location go to boot/grub/themes/kali  

John The Ripper - A password cracking tool

 John the ripper Installation John the ripper github Usage john hashfilepath --wordlist different kinds of hashing algorithm hashidentifier - hash analyzer hashid github python3 hash given md5 - possible john  —format=raw-md5 wordlist=/home/kal i/Desktop/rockyou. txt hash.txt zip2john > h.txt john --word...=/home/....  h.txt john --show h.txt rssid - ssh private file key ssh2john id.rsa > ssh.txt john --word...=/home/....  ssh.txt john --show ssh.txt

Jam network and calls using 200rs device esp32

Wordlist of password

Seclist GitHub Rockyou.txt /Usr/share/wordlists - tons of password Rockyou2024.txt - leaked password of the year 2024. Link :- Or generate your wordlist related to the victim.


 #informationgathering #passwordattacks #wirelesstesting #exploitationtool #webhacking #privatewebhacking #postexploitation #sniffingandspoofing

Wifi Hacking - Evil Twin Attack , Arduino - Esp8266 Arduino

Hackers Search Engine

1.Shodan 2.FOFA

Location Tracking

1.Zphisher 2.TrackDown 3.IpTracker 4.Clifty 5.seeker